News - TallanoWeekly

Public transport and air pollution: the invisible threat

While Emmanuel Macron has his sights set on developing the RER (a rail network serving Paris and the Île-de-France) in ten French cities, an important issue remains to be addressed: how should air pollution inside the tunnels and stations be managed? This is a major public health issue that requires real and urgent action. 

Air quality: a European concern
Air pollution and electric vehicles: have we taken a wrong turn?

A transition to electric vehicles has begun in Europe, with 2035 as the cutting-off point for petrol and diesel vehicle production. Although it does bring some hope, electrifying the car industry won’t magically resolve the issue of air pollution. Let’s look at this tech revolution and weigh up the benefits and risks.

How many years is air pollution taking off your life?

It’s a scourge with disastrous consequences on human health and life expectancy all over the world. In October 2022, France’s Conseil d’État (Council of State) recently drew attention to the problem, condemning the nation’s government for its lack of action on climate issues. But exactly what is air pollution and how can we protect ourselves against it?