Solution to reduce particulate matter in automotive industry
Tamic® automotive
In the context of the fight against air pollution, TAMIC® has been designed to support the automotive industry in its transformation.
TAMIC® captures the fine particles emitted by the braking system of any vehicle, heavy or light, internal combustion or electric. This groundbreaking innovation consists of an electronic control, suction and filtration system that retains fine particles at the source, thus preventing them from being dispersed into the air. Universal and easy to use, it also requires no maintenance, apart from changing the filter every two years or 30,000 km. It has been tested for many years, in the laboratory and in real-life conditions, in all situations that a vehicle may encounter (temperature, humidity, speed, etc.), and has already convinced equipment and system manufacturers.

The 5 challenges of the automotive industry
A health challenge
Transport is the source of 40% of the fine particles found in the atmosphere. To reduce this pollution, the automotive sector must transform itself and tackle all sources, including the braking system, which is responsible for 20% of fine particle emissions.
An environmental challenge
Fine particles are a danger for humans, but also for nature. They are also found in run-off water, polluting fauna and flora.
A sustainable mobility challenge
Cities are getting bigger and bigger and travel is becoming more and more frequent. Designing sustainable transport, in its broadest possible sense, is therefore essential.
A technological challenge
Reducing the emission of fine particles from brake abrasion is complex to implement. Improving the components of the braking system is not enough and it is necessary to find a way to capture the particles that cannot be removed.
A regulatory challenge
European regulations on pollution are set to become stricter every year. Car manufacturers must therefore find new solutions to stay below the pollution limits imposed on them.
Why choose TAMIC® for the automotive industry
- Tested and approved in laboratory and real-life conditions
- Easy to install and maintain
- Eliminates up to 85% of the fine particles emitted during braking
They trust TAMIC®
Since 2020, Tallano Technologies & AKWEL have formed a partnership for the industrialisation and marketing of TAMIC® Auto.
Tallano Technologies has been selected by the European Commission in the VERA* Consortium (Vehicles Emission Retrofit Activities).
*Various brake retrofit solutions will be developed to reduce brake particulate emissions from road vehicles.